🧩Game Market

The global Mobile Game Market achieved a remarkable milestone in 2023, surpassing $212 billion in revenue. Projections indicate this market will continue its robust growth, reaching an estimated valuation of $300 billion by 2030.

Similarly, the global Metaverse Market demonstrated substantial expansion, with revenue surpassing $83.9 billion in 2023. Forecasts suggest a meteoric rise to $1.3 trillion by 2030, underscoring the immense potential and rapid adoption of metaverse-related technologies.

Comparative Market Analysis


Mobile Legends

  • Total Revenue: $1.1 billion USD since 2016

  • Total Gamers: 1 billion

  • Platform: Web 2.0

Axie Infinity

  • Total Revenue: $2.3 billion USD since 2018

  • Total Gamers: 2.7 million

  • Platform: Web 3.0

Infinitar: The New Star in the Gaming Market

Infinitar is poised to revolutionize the gaming industry, emerging as a new star in both the global Mobile Game and Metaverse markets. With its innovative approach combining the best aspects of traditional gaming and the dynamic potential of blockchain technology, Infinitar is set to captivate millions of gamers worldwide. By leveraging the rapid growth of these markets, Infinitar is not only positioned for significant revenue generation but also for creating a vibrant and engaging community. This unique positioning ensures that Infinitar will stand out as a leader in the evolving landscape of digital entertainment.

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